International Sport Lawyers Association – ISLA

Name, Office, and Logo

Art. 1

  1. The International Sport Lawyers Association “ISLA“ (Internationale Vereinigung der Sportanwälte) is a Registered Association in accordance with Art. 60 ff. of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB) with its registered offices in Zurich/Switzerland.
  2. ISLA publicly appears using a standardized logo (athlete in front of a globe). ISLA’s logo is a registered trademark of ISLA. ISLA may permit its members to license the logo through a licence agreement.


Art. 2

ISLA’s was founded with the intention and purpose of:

  1. The promotion of communication, cooperation, and the exchange of information between sport lawyers particularly in Europe and worldwide
  2. The cooperation with organizations and entities that actively promote the interests of athletes and sports clubs
  3. The cooperation with entities and individuals who, by sponsoring, advertising, patronage, or other means, promote sports, athletes, as well as sports clubs
  4. Provide comments, assessments, and legal statements with respect to national and international sport events and affairs, as well as publishing related information
  5. The organization of educational activities related to sports law as well as other related areas of education
  6. Consulting and education of athletes in sports law matters by providing information and educational activities, such as lectures, seminars, expositions, etc.
  7. General consulting and education of sports officials, departments, or federation of associations at local, regional, national, and international levels in sports law matters by providing information and education activities such as lectures, seminars, expositions, etc.


Art. 3

  1. Any individual working as a lawyer or legal counsel with the respective legal qualification, who is professionally involved in sports law matters may become a member. This includes lawyers with less than 3 years of practice (Young Professionals). Lawyers, who finished their practice (Friends) for whatsoever reason may stay or become a member.
  2. Membership requests should be addressed to the Registered Office and will be reviewed and decided by the Board of ISLA. ISLA has the right to refuse membership for any or no reason. The membership request shall be supported by at least two letters of recommendation from existing members. The Board may accept other references or qualifications instead of recommendation letters if no other members are locally available.
  3. Cancellation of membership is generally possible at any time. The cancellation request shall be in writing and addressed to the Registered Office.
    The membership cancellation does not change the obligation of the member to pay the membership fee for the current fiscal year.
  4. A member can be involuntarily removed from ISLA if the member acts or acted against the best interest and intentions of ISLA. The member shall be given a fair warning before membership is cancelled. The cancellation of membership has to be approved by the Board. The cancellation can be appealed within 30 days after notification in writing to the General Meeting.
  5. If a member does not pay the membership fee after two written notifications, the Board may cancel the membership. The cancellation can be appealed within 30 days after notification in writing and will be reviewed in the next General Meeting.
  6. The membership is under no circumstance transferable to any other person.
  7. The Board may recommend to the members meeting that a person who rendered outstanding services to ISLA may become honorary member or honorary president. The members meeting has the final decision which cannot be challenged.


Art. 4

The governing authorities of ISLA are

  1. The General Meeting
  2. The Board
  3. The Accountants
  1. The highest governing authority of ISLA is the General Meeting. A regular annual General Meeting is scheduled once every year. It may be held in person or by virtual means. The General Meeting is, besides other things, responsible for the approval of financial statements and the acceptance of the President’s annual report. It also elects the other governing authorities every third year. Except for the liquidation of the Association itself, decisions will be made by simple majority vote of the members present in any particular meeting. In case of a tie, the decision of the President counts. In case of tie in vote in elections, a random decision procedure will put in place.
  2. The Board of Directors is an assembly of general members, and it shall be a minimum of three people and maximum of nine people in size. The General Meeting elects the President and the Board members. The Board members shall be re-electable without any limitations.
    The Board of Directors handles the ongoing affairs of the organization and represents the Association with respect to third parties. The Board of Directors is responsible for all business and regulatory affairs of the association, unless explicitly assigned to another body by either this bylaw or other regulations. The Board is entitled to appoint subordinate bodies. Expenses and commitments of more than CHF 5,000.00 require the involvement of at least two Board members.
    Resolutions of the Board are taken by simple majority of the Board members present. In case of a tie vote, the vote of the Presidents decides.

Members of the Board of Directors are entitled to reimbursement of their expenses either according to individual reporting or on a lump-sum basis.

  1. The General Meeting elects two accountants for three years who have to responsibility to review all financial statements and to report their review to the General Meeting. The Accountants cannot be Member of the Association.


Art. 5

  1. The Association is funded through membership fees, external sponsoring, and grants.
  2. The membership fee is assessed annually by the Board of Directors. It is currently CHF 300.00. In case the Membership of a particular member is less than 180 days in the current year, the membership fee is reduced by 50 percent. Board members, honorary members and honorary presidents are exempt from paying the Membership fee. Young Professionals and Friends pay 50% of the membership fee.
  3. Liabilities debts of the organization are exclusively serviced by the organisation’s assets. Members do not have personal liability for the organization’s debt and liabilities.

Fiscal Year

Art. 6

The Fiscal Year is the calendar year.


Art. 7

The present bylaws can be amended or changed only in a General Meeting, and with a two thirds majority of present members.


Art. 8

  1. The termination of the Association is possible only:
    • In a General Meeting that is scheduled exclusively for the purpose of termination of the organization.
    • Two thirds majority of all members present in the meeting are voting in favour of the termination.
  2. In case of the liquidation of the Association all assets of the organization shall be distributed to a charitable organization, or another entity that promotes young talents in the world of sports.


Art. 9

  1. The original bylaws of the organization are written in German language. In case any discrepancies between the original German language bylaws and its translation is discovered, the German version shall prevail.
  2. These bylaws were reviewed and approved at the founding assembly of the organization on November 1st, 1995, in Gottlieben/Switzerland. They came into effect the same date and were partly revised by the General Meetings on April 30, 1999, in Hamburg, on May 3, 2002, in Klagenfurt, on June 25, 2004, in Basel, in Hamburg 2015, and by the Virtual General Meeting in 2020.